ASC (Air Saving Control)
Energy saving

AIR SAVING CONTROL (ASC) technology is at the core of the Vacuum Pumps.
With this new mini vacuum pump, the guiding principle is energy savings. For the first time Vacuum Pumps integrates technology known as: ASC (Air Saving Control). It generates energy savings of between 60% and 97%, depending on the products to be handled.
The ASC activates to limit energy consumption at two levels:
• Air is only consumed to create the vacuum and allows the piece to be gripped and moved. Once the adjusted vacuum level is reached a valve closes, allowing the piece to be held without any energy being used. If the vacuum level drops, an air intake is generated until it returns to its initial level.
• The ASC analyses the application and adapts itself to airtight or porous pieces in order to optimize operation and energy consumption.